סל הקניות שלי
סל הקניות שלך ריק
המשיכי בקניותThreading has become increasingly popular over the last decade, with most Beauty specialists offering threading services to women around the world.
In today’s world, hair removal has become somewhat of a norm as women strive to look their best. Facial hair removal has therefore become essential.
String hair removal, or threading, is a method of hair removal that was first used in India and Central Asia.
One of the reasons why this method of hair removal has been widely popular is because it can gently remove hair without any fancy tools, creams, or waxes in a way that does not burn or irritate the skin and is also known to be a method that does not cause pigmentation of the skin
Threading involves the use of twisted string in a gentle back and forth motion to remove facial hair from the follicle.
If you are a first-timer, it is advised that you see a beautician. However, if you have had threading done before, and would like to learn how to do it yourself, here is a simple how to string hair removal guide to get you started.
Before you begin the task of threading, you first need to find the right thread for threading facial hair. High cotton sewing thread generally works well for this. Avoid the use of thin thread that may break easily.
It is important to keep in mind that few people get it right the first time, so you may need to practice rolling the string back and forth a few times to get used to it.
If all this sounds a little too complicated, and you would prefer something a little easier, do not despair. Slique is a great little threading hair removal DIY tool that can make this process a whole lot simpler.
Threading can cause some serious pain to your fingers, too, so this tool is quite handy to have. All you need to do to remove facial hair using this clever threading system is to open and close the tool handles, the way you would a claw hair clip. It is as simple as that!
Also, the Slique inventor also invented the fabulous Cool Skin lotion, to use before and after epilating with the Slique tool, for a complete hair removal DIY job!
Threading is an ancient hair removal method that can help you remove facial hair without causing damage or pigmentation to your skin. You can easily learn to practice this technique by following the handy guide provided.
You should make use of Slique’s threading system if you prefer a more efficient way to remove hair with this method. The results are perfect every time!